A recruiter’s quick tips to better hiring!
Hiring a new member of staff can be a challenging and expensive process, especially for start-ups or businesses expanding at a rapid rate. Finding that right person can take time and cost money, but hiring the wrong person will ultimately cost you more of both.
With many combined years of experience under our belts, the knowledgeable team at recruitment GWG know exactly what it takes to help you find the perfect person for the job. We share some tips to better hiring to help you grow and develop your business with the right people on board.
Look for passion
Has the interviewee and potential future employee done their research, do they know your business? As Andrew Schrage writes in an article for Forbes; “skills and talent are important, but you must also take into account whether candidates are passionate about going to work for you. Are they enthusiastic during the interview? Do they illustrate their talents and passion with stories of previous experience? It’s answers to these types of questions than can help evaluate whether or not potential employees really want to work for your company, or are simply looking for any old job.”
Also consider what they do in their spare time. Are they dedicated athletes unafraid of challenges, or caring animal lovers with a patient and level-headed approach to life? Try to measure what it is they love and visualise how that will be translated into their work ethic, the advertised role and your business.
Be strategic
Analyse and map the skill set of your existing team and identify where the gaps are. Hire someone you believe will enhance and complement the current skill set. The staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. writing for their book ‘Start Your Own Business’ believe a job analysis is the strategic way to start working out who it is you need.
“Begin by understanding the requirements of the job being filled. What kind of personality, experience, and education are needed?”
“To determine these attributes, sit down and do a job analysis covering the following areas: the physical/mental tasks involved (ranging from judging, planning, and managing to cleaning, lifting, and welding), how the job will be done (the methods and equipment used), the reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company), the qualifications needed (training, knowledge, skills, and personality traits)”
Leverage social media
First stop Linked In. See how they present and engage online and compare their profile with their provided resume. Then check out their Facebook or Twitter accounts to ensure there aren’t any inappropriate posts. It’s always best to discover these things before you hire someone with strong opinions who’s not afraid to share.
Consider referrals from existing, trusted employees.
Team members who love what they do might know of other great people who would fit into the existing culture. Offer employees bonuses if they successfully refer someone, as recruiting new staff can be an expensive and prolonged process.
Plan and conduct a thorough interview.
Get a panel together and ask behavioural questions that will really help you get to know the person and assess their “fit” with your team. No need to intimidate; be friendly and open and give the candidate adequate time to answer.
Once again Andrew Schrage writing for Forbes gives great advice for the employer, “show up on time, be positive, and diligently address any red flags you may have found on a resume. There are good and bad answers to any issues – interruptions in work history, for example – so make sure you ask all the right questions and let candidates respond accordingly.”
Take it seriously
If you don’t have the time to do the research yourself, engage a professional and knowledgeable recruitment agency like GWG to do it for you. Recruiting the wrong person could cost your company a lot of money so you want to get it right every time!
If you need more information on hiring the right person for your business then call or email GWG’s Executive Recruitment Specialist Julie Gearie on: 0448 811 091 or julie.gearie@gwgpartners.com.au